Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our New Hero

Efren Peñaflorida was named 2009 CNN Hero of the Year. He is a Cavite City Native who pioneered a brand of mobile education, or the pushcart class room for the urban poor youth. In his acceptance speech, he said: "Each person has a hidden hero within, you just have to look inside you and search it in your heart, and be the hero to the next one in need.

In his acceptance speech at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, CNN quoted him as saying: "Serve, serve well, serve others above yourself and be happy to serve. As I always tell my co-volunteers... you are the change that you dream as I am the change that I dream and collectively we are the change that this world needs to be."

I've only watched him in an episode of "Wish Ko Lang" when the program granted his wish of additional books for the poor children they are teaching, and now he has made a name for himself not because his wealthy or powerful but beacause he has given time in helping those children.

We had voted for him because we believe and support what he is doing. I believe, we should also follow his example, we can be heroes in our own ways.

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